An injury or sudden illness can send a family’s finances into a tailspin. Recovering from such an event may be even more difficult with the stress of unpaid bills and lost wages. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration estimates that each month, thousands of workers suffer injuries that require months of recovery. While those in California whose employers carry long-term disability insurance may benefit from that coverage, it isn’t always easy to obtain those funds.
LTD typically promises to cover up to 70 percent of an injured or ill worker’s income. This coverage may become effective after any short-term coverage expires, which is within an average of 26 weeks. The length of the coverage also varies. Some employers purchase enough to cover an employee for five years, but others provide coverage until the employee reaches age 65.
There are limitations to eligibility for such coverage, such as how long a person has been employed and how many weekly hours he or she works. Additionally, some employees may automatically receive the coverage through their employers, and others will have the option to add it to their insurance plans. Since no one can foresee when an accident or debilitating illness will strike, opting for coverage seems wise.
Understanding long-term disability insurance and how it relates to your situation is crucial to making informed decisions. An attorney with experience in LTD issues can provide answers to those questions. Additionally, employees who feel their LTD insurance is being unjustly withheld can rely on the advocacy of an attorney who is dedicated to helping injured and suffering workers in California.
Source:, “Long Term Disability Benefit Basics,” Susan Nathan, accessed Jan. 9, 2018